Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Writing Sham 26
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Cartography Created and Vacated Lost Continents and Islands

Aristotle reasoned that with so much land mass in the northern hemisphere there had to be equal southern land masses. Terra Australis, an imaginary continent was introduced by Aristotle and drawn on maps by cartographers. Though no one had seen this mysterious land and scientists argued its existence, map makers since the 1400’s drew it on maps. So in a way cartography, not novelists spun the tales of unknown masses of land that time forgot.

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose
The Writing Sham 25 Anniversary Edition
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

World Dominance by Weather Manipulation

Every master villain wants the world, or at least control it, but to truly control the world, you need to control the weather! Weather control is a mark of achievement in science fiction technology; controlling the weather or altering the weather is treated nonchalantly in sci-fi. In perspective a person from the 1950’s would be more marveled from a microwave than any child raised with one. People of the future don’t worry about the complexities of controlling the global weather, as we don’t concern ourselves over a small device what cooks our food with radiation.

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose
The Writing Sham 24
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Mysteries in a Safe Deposit Box

Secrets used to die with people, mysteries left unsolved, questions left unanswered. Unfortunately now people leave things behind for after their life ceases to exist. Why hold damaging information on yourself, or a love one? Most people hide their dirty secrets, or anything considered valuable in a thing called a bank safe deposit box. Why? One word, Security. The metal box, locked in a mini safe inside of a larger safe has two keys, one you have, the other the bank has. As shown in the movies, a signature or password is usually needed to gain access before going into the vault; the owner then has private time to add or remove items at his or her discretion. Regardless of peoples habits to collect and posses items and information, the safe deposit box is a story tellers “drop box” of goodies. How is this such a different writers tool? Why would a writer have to be careful with this? Let’s look and see how it can compare to the classic detective crime novel.

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose
The Writing Sham 23
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Lore of the Phoenix

This great symbolic bird is foremost in association with immortality and resurrection. Although you may feel it is a fierily bird as this is how it is referenced in fiction, it is known as a mythical creature which stands apart from its entourage. Why? It is said that only one such majestic bird existed at any one time. And as it approached the end of its life, over five hundred years, it would build a nest of herbs and twigs, light them, and proceed to dive into the flames. From those very ashes, a new phoenix would arise.

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose

The Writing Sham 22
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Janitors at Area 51

Skeptics don’t doubt that something secret is going on in Area 51; whatever it is, it’s such a great secret the Air Force and the Department of Defense have said to not be aware of, or to own any such location known as “Area 51.”

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose
The Writing Sham 21
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Déjà Vu Phenomenon

Déjà is the thought of having already been in or at your current location although you have never been there before. Flash-forward (or prolepsis), time travel visions, reincarnations, telepathic powers, they all could in fiction explain Déjà; a factual event that tells your memory of being right where you are for a second time.

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose
The Writing Sham 20
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

El Grande Gambling Debt

A loan shark is someone who loans you an unsecured amount of money which expected to be paid back. However, if you don’t pay them back, loan sharks have been known to cut off fingers and toes. The gambling debt is accrued by taking a lame long shot or betting without being able to cover your losses. Whether betting on horses, dogs or sports, you take a risk with your money and lose, and lose BIG! This time you don’t have lady luck or the dough to help you out in your time of need. The bookie wants to collect his money or possibly even a family member in order to blackmail you into getting them their money.

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose
The Writing Sham 19
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Extras Always Die

With bullets flying around some of them have to hit someone. What would be a road trip without a stop at a gas station convenience store? You fill up, you snack up, and you relieve yourself. There has to be an attendant, maybe even with a name tag, and no, this character will not be up for best supporting role. But nonetheless this worker needs to be there, it’s all part of the scene, like candy by the register it’s what makes the scene believable. But if a robbery happens to take place the same time the main characters are at convenience store, who will die? Regardless of the story, the convenience worker is always expendable, (like toilet paper).

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose
The Writing Sham 18
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Long Distance Relationship Lie

If you could improve one thing about yourself, what would it be? Did you pick a physical or personality trait? Or did you break the rules and made a list of several self improvements? Are you taller, sexier, wealthier, what did you ask for? To be more popular, more mechanical, able to mange a multi-million or billion dollar company? Maybe you’re a football player, a race car driver, you parachute, don’t live with your parents, or simply own a home. Whatever is your simplest wish or desire can come true with a simple white lie.

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose
The Writing Sham 17
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Me Caveman

The animal skin hangs over his left shoulder, a burning fire radiates on his dirty, hairy body. Gripping his battle club with his fist, this blunt instrument for killing a potent tool of survival, waits like a status symbol to pulverize its next meal to death. With primitive grunts they will outlive the dinosaurs and invent the wheel. He is the Neanderthal.

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose

The Writing Sham 16
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Virgin Sacrifice

A practice long lost in the history of time, shocking human sacrifices we commonly practiced. In an ancient tribe, a virgin is prepared as a sacrifice to the gods. We all worship (in our own ways) based on some kind of long forgotten belief or ritual, Christians used to offer sacrifices. But as

they were banging on the drums and the virgins eyes rolled backwards in their sockets, are the numbers of sacrifices echoing the correct number today?

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose

The Writing Sham 15
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Post Apocalypse Futures

Cities distressed, forgotten, and unkempt, neighborhoods ruined to below substandard, cars and roads trashed beyond recognition. Is that all we need to see a dark gritty future? The truth is it’s easy to find an empty warehouse in any country, break a few windows, throw some trash on the ground. But to make the White House look abandoned like the Mayan temples is but a sample of what Mother Nature can REALLY do.

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose
The Writing Sham 14
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Godzilla Size Me

Destroying major cities and not attacking small towns? This is why Godzilla is the embodiment of what’s different in Japanese and American monster fiction. But there’s symbolism too!

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Written By: Kelly R. Hoose
The Writing Sham 13
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Distress Calls for Desperate Writing

Sometimes there are VERY clear markers when one story ends and another starts; other times there is an over lap to keep things going. If your characters pick up a distress call, you might be the latter. Maybe it’s your inner self telling you something about your own story. Is your ear ringing? Or is it a distant call of may-day, or the beeping of S - O - S?

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Written By Kelly R. Hoose
The Writing Sham 12
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Six Inches Tall

Ever feel so small in life you feel you just might slip through the cracks? Unless you observe a child, it’s hard to imagine a world where everything is large in scale. The closest thing is a doll house which is in actuality a scaled down version of the real thing. Think of it from a child’s perspective, where even the most used items in our home are at times too big for them, even things as simple as the toilet, to a child, it is twice the size we see it. Imagine being that small or smaller. “Hey will someone get this Matchstick off of me!!”

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Written By Kelly R. Hoose
The Writing Sham 11
Recycle, Stencil, Regurgitate and Fillers

Amazon Warriors

How can Amazon warriors be in Greek mythology? Shouldn’t they be from the Amazon rain forest, in Brazil, South America? Why aren’t there all these female archers in fantasy fiction? Of all the myths and forgotten people of the past, the female warrior of the Amazon is not regurgitated in fantasy fiction. Why?

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Written By Kelly R. Hoose